USA Participation

Of the periods we are going to talk about: Imperialism, World War I, Russian Revolution, USA was a nation with a stable economy and politically organized. That’s why Europe always tried to involve USA in their problems; also they were looking for help. USA helped in diplomacy relations and economy in some countries like France, Germany and Great Britain

United States had a good economic position in the world, so both, allies and central powers tried to involve USA, and in an attempt to do that they hit USA with offensive propaganda...But the interest of Germany for Latin American has always been motive of preoccupations in the USA, so USA couldn’t contemplate the possibility of Germany’s Victory. Germany sank 7 ships and the Zimmerman telegram provoked the involvement of USA into the war. Officially the USA was involved in April 1917, but then many important events occurred: first, in January 1918, the 14 Points were declared: Wilson listed his goals for a war-free world, including a League of Nations, and then; in May, American troops won their first victory; American forces suffer heavy losses but defeat Germans. In 1919, the Big Four (United Kingdom, France, Italy and USA) meet the Paris Peace Conference, and many Treaties were signed like the one of Versailles.

Although the Russian revolution happened in Russia, USA was also involved…American North Russian Expeditionary force was contingent about 5,000 U.S. troops that landed in Arkhangelsk, Russia. They fought against the red army, supporting the Mensheviks during the period of September 1918 through July 1919; this was sent by Woodrow Wilson in response to request from U.K. and France (they wanted to cause revolts in Russia). After the end of the World War, USA continued to support Russia for 16 months because of indecision and confusion. At first, the Americans’ response was non-recognition to the new government because of the Wilson’s policy of non-recognition.

In new imperialisms, it was an opportunity for USA to grow territorial, economical and politically. USA wasn’t an imperial country, it was a democratic one, so this gaining of territories was only for them to expand and gain power worldly. Some of the territories they gained were Alaska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and other islands in America and Australian ocean.

In conclusion, we think that United States shouldn’t have participated in World War I because they were totally distant continents; Europe’s problems had nothing to do with USA. In the times of Russian revolution most of us think that USA had no involvement, but they did, they sent troops in support to France and Britain because they wanted to cause revolts in Russia. In The times of new imperialisms USA grew in economic, diplomatic, political, and in territorial aspects. So we can say USA is a country that have always been present in the world history.


Feldmeth, Greg D. U.S. History Resources. 1998. 10 02 2011 <>.

Spykman, Nicholas John. Estados Unidos Frente Al Mundo. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1944.

Corvallis Community Pages. 10 February 2011 <>.

D., Feldmeth Greg. U.S. History resources. 31 March 1998. 10 February 2011.


*USA in orange