USA Participation in Great Depression, Totalitarian Regimes and World War 2

USA participated in the Great Depression and in WWII, but they didn’t participate in totalitarian regimes because during that time the country was recovering from the Great Depression. But the Great Depression indirectly was a cause for the totalitarian regimes because that combined with the World War I, provoked economic hard times and people needed a governor to control all chaos and crisis.
 Since the economy crashed in the country’s government, they were trying to reactivate it. Later on in 1941, Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor because the president Roosevelt decided to shut off the American trade with Japan. Only a day after that event United States declared war on Japan and a few days later Germany and Italy declared war on United States. Factories in USA converted from civilian to war production really fast, men went to armed forces, and women took their places in war plants. In 1942 government also set up a civil-defense system to protect the country from attack.
The main causes are: The World War I, which provoked that many European countries had a bad economy. Also the Treaty of Versailles, stated by the Big 4, which states that Germany had to pay all the reparations of France and Great Britain, U.S.A view this as an opportunity of investment and make more money. U.S.A lends money to European countries especially to Germany, France, and Great Britain for them to reconstruct their nations; they will pay back with some interests. Then U.S.A asks that money because they didn’t have and they need it, but Germany didn’t have money, they spend it on reparations and debts, so the Great Depression begins with the Stock Market crash in 1929 .No one had money, many banks and factories collapsed, there was unemployment, suicides, overproduction, investors withdrew money from European countries, and the foreign trade was slow.
All the events had a relation, the WWI caused the Great Depression, and USA didn’t participated in Totalitarian regimes that were caused by the Great Depression because they were still recovering, but the Totalitarian Regimes caused the World War 2. USA played an important role in the events that participated.


United States History. 15 March 2011 <>.
World War II History Info. 15 March 2011 <>.